Help. Give. Support to help our non-profit Projects.
Thank you for your donation.
Each part helps fuel all our Projects.
Like our #differentisbeautiful Campaign, school talks or our Kick-It-Capes Project that have made their way to thousands-upon-thousands of kid's shoulders around the world. They've hung on IV poles as kids have gotten chemo treatment, they've awaited others receiving a devastating diagnosis. They've even, unfortunately, way too many times, laid as a symbol of bravery upon caskets.
From volunteer cape makers, highschool class projects, to communities that have held sewing bees, this project is sadly never-ending as there are always children in need of one.
And most importantly, thank you for giving Happy Soul Project a voice.
This platform, this community, this group of people from around the Globe.
Has made good things happen.
Changes for the next generation of people.
For the mom, who has had to fight like I have.
And for the daughter, like mine, who will always deserve so much more.
Thank you for uplifting us, supporting these Projects & being a part of all of this.
We couldn’t soar without you.

Founder Happy Soul Project